Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Reads

I start each morning with a cup of coffee and my guilty pleasure, The National Post.
There are many reasons why I love this newspaper. The writing is first class, the
ideas presented are thought-provoking and the opinions present both sides of the coin.
But beyond all that is a healthy respect for writers, with many articles on the craft,
etc. generally featured in their Weekend Post section,along with excellent book reviews.

Here are two articles that are must-reads and here's how to access them:

Go to: and Click on Today's Archives.
In the Search Box, type in Saturday, February 5, 2011 (for the first article)
When the date appears, type Craig Davidson (the article's author)and the article
should appear: "It's Not About Writing".

For the second article:
Type Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in the Search Box
When the date appears, type Clark Whilton and the article appears: "So, I'm Like: "Whoa That is So Wow'"




  1. Thanks for the suggestion on the articles Tina. I've never read the National Post, but the article "It's not about the writing" really makes me want to. (deliciously brutal wit). As a beginning-ish writer, I give very little consideration to the marketability of what I'm writing. I know that, eventually, I will need to learn more about this, but I found the article validating for where I'm at right now. I'm looking forward to reading the second article.

  2. Thanks for sharing Tina. I read both. Regarding "It's not about the Writing." I strive to hold on to the fun, the joy of discovery. The craft fancinates and frustrates me, sometimes at the same time.

    I approach marketability as "If you build it, they will come." I strive to write what interests and intrigues me, and by presenting the story, the idea in a compelling way, that I feel wins over the market. I scoff at people who advise writers to 'follow the trends'. For those trends to come about, someone had to start them.


  3. Thanks, Tina. I love both of these articles. Although I tend to procrastinate my writing, something inside of me can't stop the process. Maybe it's not about the writing, but the need to tell a story.

    Just a thought...
